I'm a novice. I'd like to ask you a question about jq's md5.

Hello, everyone
I am a novice, and recently I have been learning Javascript, to ask a question.
I now want to achieve each form function. There are two fields in the form. When I enter characters in the A field, the value of the B field will be encrypted according to the content filled in the A field, and the encrypted md5 value will be stored in the B field. When I submit, the A field saves the encrypted money content, and the B field saves the encrypted content.
is it difficult to achieve such an effect?
can you tell me how to implement it?
Thank you


encrypt when you submit. http://jsfiddle.net/fh25Lou1/2/

bind an onchange-like event to the input box

B field uses input, and then uses the onchange function to handle encryption

is not difficult to implement. But it doesn't make much sense technically, because it's easy for users to know how you encrypt it.
