The difference between QPS and TPS

such as the title. I searched the Internet for answers, but I still didn"t get it (in fact, all the answers are the same, which makes me speechless). And ask the great gods here for advice.


TPS is the number of transactions processed per second, including the process of returning to the user from the request server-> server processing->. How many transactions can be completed per second is how many TPS
QPS is similar to TPS. For a page visit, it forms a Tps;, but one page request may generate multiple requests to the server. These requests are counted as QPS


example: visits a page and requests the server three times, resulting in a TPS with three QPS.
I think you may have similar concepts, so you are confused. This Wechat moments ad often has this test standard


QPS: Query per second
TPS: Transfer per second
Don't translate it into Chinese, understand it according to its original meaning

I still feel unclear. Just write a small demo and test the interface with any one of ab, siege or jmetter. The details are all in practice.

TPS is the number of transactions processed per second. A transaction includes the time that the client requests the server, the server processes the request, and the server responds to the client. The improvement of the efficiency of any part of this business will improve the TPS.
QPS doesn't really understand

for the time being.