Using wepy to develop Mini Program, why can't you always find the js file when setting the pages path?

using wepy to develop Mini Program, why can"t you always find the js file when setting the pages path?

export default class extends {
    config = {
        pages: [
        window: {
            backgroundTextStyle: "dark",
            navigationBarBackgroundColor: "-sharpFFFFFF",
            navigationBarTitleText: "WeChat",
            navigationBarTextStyle: "black",
            enablePullDownRefresh: false,
            backgroundColor: "-sharpEFEFEF"

No JS file for pages "pages/authorize" defined in app.json was found

I also reported this error when downloading other people"s projects, and I couldn"t find the file. why?

I use wepy-cli development, nothing has been changed, just add a file, and then configure the path here, and report an error?


version problem has been found
