Save cart information, order it and then take it out?

the road is dead!

assume that I am now in the store
I would like to save my current property information
and then press the button to use it. Give it to mysql
but I have a problem
how can I propose to save it?
I now have two must

<input type="hidden" name="cart_prod_id[]" value="<?=$row["prod_id"];?>">
<input type="hidden" name="cart_quantity[]" value="<?=$row["quan"];?>">

one is the quantity, the other is the commodity ID
but how can I receive it at the other end?
this is where my receiver writes

$_SESSION["cart_prod_id"] = $cart_prod_id;

he is printing out

Array ( [0] => 11 [1] => 5 )

but it doesn"t seem to be what I want?
I may need to know which product ID, quantity, and unit
should be saved in what format? Json? How to implement

the other one I wrote doesn"t seem to be what I want?

$_SESSION["cart"] = array("prod-id" => $cart_prod_id , "quan" => $cart_quantity);
    echo json_encode($_SESSION["cart"]);
    // {"prod-id":["11","5"],"quan":["3","3"]}

what kind of child do you usually have to grow up to be?

there are two numbers 11 and 2323.
generally speaking, as long as the backend can understand it

    "11": 2,
    "2323": 100

is fine

    "pid": "11",
    "number": 2
    "pid": "2323",
    "number": 100

even this is fine

[[112][2323 100]]

the agreement is self-made. As long as the agreement is made, the data format is not a big problem.
as for how to implement it, Google will do it
