On the H5 page test, is there any software that can truly simulate each mobile phone?

after the development of the software, our test model is very limited, resulting in some mobile phones being blank in the test.

existing customer feedback, for example, Huawei META10 has a problem accessing a certain page, and all the other mobile phones are fine. In this case, how can the partner solve the problem? (provided we don"t have this phone)

is there a better way to solve this problem


to tell you exactly, no.
is generally real machine simulation + speculation.

this is a charge: Tencent Cloud

there is no way, it must be a real machine.

if there are, which company will buy so many test machines

recruit a few new interns without pay, and then look at the mobile phone models they take for screening.

Today, we also encounter this problem. It seems that we can only use Tencent Cloud's paid Tencent Cloud answer without a real phone.

the h5
method developed by vue is as follows:
example of the contents of the vue.config.js file

module.exports = {
    publicPath: './',
    outputDir: "dist", //build
    assetsDir: "assets", //js, css, img
    lintOnSave: false, //eslint
    devServer: {
        open: true, //
        host: "",
        port: "8080",
        https: false, //https
        hotOnly: false, //
        proxy: {
            "/api": {
                target: "http://xxx.xx.xxx.xx:xx/", //API
                ws: true, //websockets
                changeOrigin: true, // origin
                pathRewrite: {
                    // '/api/aaa/ccc''/aaa/ccc'
                    "^/api": ""

router cancel history mode if history is commented out

then use your mobile phone to turn on the hotspot pc to connect the hotspot
the content of my vscode terminal is as follows
App running at:

by example: the h5 real machine test developed by vue can be realized by visiting
on mobile. I am the developer of cil 3 version
