Site every visit part of the picture 503 error, refresh normal display, how to break?

1. Some pictures 503 errors will occur when we visit our company"s website for the first time, and the pictures will be normal after refreshing.
2. I have tried to optimize the server, but communicated with Aliyun that the main reason is the architecture of the website.
do you want to ask the front-end question? Is there any way to solve the problem? Thank you


has the problem been solved? I am also in this situation. Ask for help

it's not the problem of the front end. Go to the background


Let him see the log information

503 error occurred, all of which are logged in Systemroot%System32LogFilesHTTPERRhttperr1.log.
the s-reason entry:
1. If AppShutdown, the application pool may be closed automatically due to the high CPU occupancy rate.
2, in the case of AppOffline, it may be caused by an error in the application identity.
3. If Disabled, it may be caused by the administrator closing the application pool manually.
4. If QueueFull, the error may be generated because the application pool queue is full at the time of the request.

503 is an error occurred on the server

static resources such as js css images are recommended to be stored directly on the cloud. With CDN acceleration, the effect is better.
