Dialog dialog box how to load another vue or a url?

Gods, may I ask:

for example, a contract buys multiple products. Product list maintenance needs to be popped up at the same time as the contract is added.
so you need to pop up a product list maintenance dialog box in the add contract dialog box (already written in another vue)
how to implement it?

used to load a jsp/html file when the dialog box pops up. I wonder if there is a similar method.

Thank you all.


encapsulate [(already written in another vue)] into a component ~

introduced as a component, this component brings its own dialog and show it when displaying

<template><editForm ref="edit"></editForm></template>
import editForm from './subjectEdit2.vue';
    export default {
    <jt-dialog :title="''" ref="dd">
                <el-form ></el-form>    
    show(id){ this.$refs.dd.show();}