Within the loop of the jsp page, call the js function, and the js function can only get the data in the first loop.

<c:forEach items="${zhiweilist}" var="bean">
                <td><a href="-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp" onclick="zhiweishow(${bean.id })">${bean.zhiweileibie.name }</a></td>
                <span id="leibie" style="display:none;">${bean.zhiweileibie.name }</span>
                <td>${bean.zhiweimingchen }</td>
                <span id="mingcheng" style="display:none;">${bean.zhiweimingchen }</span>
                <td>${bean.yuexin }</td>
                 <span id="yuexin" style="display:none;">${bean.yuexin }</span>
                 <td><a href="-sharp-sharp-sharp-sharp" onclick="zhiweishow(${bean.id })"></a></td>
                  <td><a href="method!toutijianli?id=${bean.id }" ></a></td>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                      var leibie = document.getElementById("leibie").innerHTML;
                      var mingcheng = document.getElementById("mingcheng").innerHTML;
                      var yuexin = Number( document.getElementById("yuexin").innerHTML);
                      var type=leibie+mingcheng;

code is shown in the figure. I want the js function to save the information obtained from each loop, but in fact, there are four identical data (because the input data is four) inside name_list and price_list. How can I solve this problem so as to get the results I want?


browser output is shown in the figure. What you get through echarts is a straight line. Check the element, and its value is only one.


with all due respect, this is very skinny. If you know the data, you can just write it in a script tag.

use js to read Datagram 500errors from the back end, which is a rough way to read data from the table on the page
