Weex android 0.17.0 createInstance fail

weex android 0.17.0. Occasional startup: degradeToH5 | createInstance fail | wx_create_instance_error isJSFrameworkInit==false reInitCount = = 1 error

the rendering code is in commons module and AbstractWeexActivity.java;
if renderPageByURL is executed directly in onCreate, the probability of this error will be very high;
if you put the rendering code in postRunnable, then the probability will be very low, but there will also be
test equipment is red rice, MIUI9.0 system, hope to help take a look, thank you


I also encountered this problem. Because JSFrameworkInit = false
appears in the log, go to the source code to find when it should be set to true
to find the file below, and then breakpoint debug the function initFramework


found that an exception was thrown while executing mWXBridge.initFrameworkEnv

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.taobao.weex.bridge.WXBridge.initFrameworkMultiProcess(java.lang.String, com.taobao.weex.bridge.WXParams, java.lang.String, boolean) (tried Java_com_taobao_weex_bridge_WXBridge_initFrameworkMultiProcess and Java_com_taobao_weex_bridge_WXBridge_initFrameworkMultiProcess__Ljava_lang_String_2Lcom_taobao_weex_bridge_WXParams_2Ljava_lang_String_2Z)

therefore, it should be judged that so was not found, so modify gradle
gradle to remove other abi

 defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi"

take effect

my millet also encountered the same problem, which was not solved by the method on the second floor.

encountered the same problem as the landlord. Same mistake.
but modify
defaultConfig {

    ndk {
        abiFilters "armeabi"

does not take effect =!

is there a solution

online monitoring this problem is a bit high

when I display normally on the page on the real machine, the simulator reports an error errCode:-1001,msg:degradeToH5 | createInstance fail | wx_create_instance_error isJSFrameworkInit==false reInitCount = = 1
