cannot connect under a different wifi (ip address)?

for example, cannot be linked under a different wifi (ip address (under the public network). If my computer is connected to the 4G used on the wifi, phone, it cannot be connected (page resources and so on are completely fine, but the socket is not connected). If the computer and mobile phone are connected to a wifi, it is no problem. The server uses ubuntu and nginx, but if I try another, heroku will have no problem with the server he has configured, so I think it should be the problem with nginx

this is my nginx config:

upstream dirtyfinger {
    server localhost:3000;
    server localhost:3001;
    server localhost:3002;
    server localhost:3003;
server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
        proxy_pass http://dirtyfinger;

your server is in the local area network, but not on the public network. Of course, 4G cannot be accessed.
not only 4g, but you cannot access the wifi from different sources.
heroku is a cloud service and is on the public network, so you can

I would like to ask if you need to configure this proxy for public network access. Who knows? Is the link to the code written like this? Io.connection ( http:// public network domain name : 9092)
