The two bar charts of echarts are on one side. What is it that is not separated? it feels like two data are combined into an array.


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  series: [
        name: "...", //
        type: "bar",
        yAxisIndex: 0,
        barWidth: 20, //
        data: [0, 0],
        areStyle: {
            smooth: false,
            // smoothMonotone:"x"
        label: {
            normal: {
                show: true,
                position: "top"
        // data: [ cirone, cirtwo],
        itemStyle: {
            normal: { //colorListcolorList
                color: "-sharp1a947d"
                    // color: function (params){
                    //     var colorList = ["-sharp1a947d"];
                    //     return colorList[params.dataIndex];
                    // }
            areStyle: {
                smooth: false,
    }, {
        name: "...", //
        type: "bar",
        yAxisIndex: 0,
        barWidth: 20, //
        data: [0, 0],
        areStyle: {
            smooth: false,
            // smoothMonotone:"x"
        label: {
            normal: {
                show: true,
                position: "top"
        // data: [cirthree,cirfour],
        itemStyle: {
            normal: { //colorListcolorList
                color: "-sharpec9000"

            areStyle: {
                smooth: false,

is not the same series, specific modification scheme reference case and document

beautify the value of the final option and send it out. I'll adjust it to you

you should put both data in series [0] .data. Series is an array that represents a bar chart with multiple colors. If there is only one color data, assign the array to series [0] .data
