A problem with v-show and @ click of vue

A template in the

component is shown in figure
initial ifShow is false so ul of class="property" does not show
change the value of ifShow to true so that ul of class="property" shows


the ul click event triggered by the focus event is invalid.
but if you manually change the display attribute of ul to block when the < false is false, the ul is displayed and the click event is valid

    template: `
    <div class="outside">
        <ul class="input">
                <ul class="box">
                        <div style="display:inline-block;overflow:hidden" v-if="tagsLength > 0">
                            <span class="tag" v-for="(tag, index) in tags">{{ tag.name }} <a href="-sharp" @click="delTag(index)">x</a></span>
                        <input :value="value" @input="$emit("input", $event.target.value)" @keyup.enter="onEnter" class="content" @focus="onFocus" @blur="onBlur">
                    <li style="position:absolute;background:-sharpfff;z-index:999">
                        <ul class="property" v-show="ifShow">
                            <li>{{ propertyHint }}</li>
                            <li v-for="property in properties" @click="onClick(property)" :data-id="property.id">{{ property.name }}</li>
        <div class="help-tips">

{{ inputHint }}

</div> </div> `
Click events of

li can be done with @ mousedown, which has a higher weight than blur.
personal test is valid

when clicking li in ul:



1. blur
2. clickisShowfalse

you can try it using v-if
