How does vue introduce components such as elementui on demand without scaffolding

it is convenient to use scaffolding to reference ui components on demand, but now there is a project that cannot be changed to scaffolding. How to reference ui components such as elementui? on demand? Thank you

this is scaffolding

import Vue from "vue";
import { Button, Select } from "element-ui";
import App from "./App.vue";

Vue.component(, Button);
Vue.component(, Select);
 * Vue.use(Button)
 * Vue.use(Select)

new Vue({
  el: "-sharpapp",
  render: h => h(App)

introduce the required files in the form of script tags
such as:



see if you can form an array of what you need to reference according to the file name

  1. download the js of the corresponding plug-in (usually available on the official website, such as elementUI) to your own project, and then use the script tag to introduce it.
  2. If you do not want to download
  3. , directly introduce the script tag into the cdn address of the plug-in (there is also
  4. on the official website).

cdn address is given on elementUI official website:

Failed to decode downloaded font:
(index):1 OTS parsing error: invalid version tag