How does eggjs view the sql statement that has just been executed?

for example, I use the

provided by the egg-mysql framework.
 const results = await"posts", { //  post 
  where: { status: "draft", author: ["author1", "author2"] }, // WHERE 
  columns: ["author", "title"], // 
  orders: [["created_at","desc"], ["id","desc"]], // 
  limit: 10, // 
  offset: 0, // 

how can I see the native sql statement executed by this encapsulated statement?


looked at the document and did not find this feature. Can you change the way to deal with it and use mysql log to debug it?

show variables like 'general_log'
set GLOBAL general_log='ON';
SET GLOBAL general_log_file = '/tmp/mysql.log'

turn it off when you are not using it, otherwise it will take up a lot of disk space.

the switch can be set directly in the configuration file

config.mysql = {
    client: {
      // host
      host: 'x x x x',
      port: '3306',
      user: 'x x x x',
      password: 'x x x x',
      database: 'x x x',
      debug: false //sql
    //  app 
    app: true,
    //  agent 
    agent: false,

what's the effect of the following?


For the specific implementation of

, you can refer to this article:
Egg, output SQL statement logs?
