How to input dynamic query? correctly by vue-route.path

I need to listen to query on URL in a global state to do something.
so sometimes when the URL is unchanged, add the GET parameter directly to the end
, so you need to keep the original GET and add a new GET
, but the actual operation URL is always unresponsive

let query = this.$route.query;
let str = "?";
for (let i in query) {
  str += i + "=" + query[i] + "&";
str = str.substr(0,str.length - 1);

let url = this.$route.path + str; // 
//url = this.$route.path + "?p=" + v; // 
// p  


keeping the existing GET under the current URL and adding new ones (whether using str stitching or boj incoming) is url unresponsive.
but it"s okay to comment out the url, but you can"t keep the existing get
