How does zuul directly perform client-side load balancing in spring boot2 cloud?

how does 1.zuul directly perform client-side load balancing in spring boot2 cloud?
2. Environment: spring boot 2 spring cloud,zuul do gateway
3. Want to implement: how can two same consumer producers ab,a have one more ResquestMapping, than b to access the service in zuul if b is polled, b has no service so it will directly access a service at the zuul layer, and then return the information to the client?
4. Other: I don"t know if I misconfigured ribbon or how. There is no following configuration in spring boot2


-number of sharp retries on the current instance
MaxAutoRetries: 1
-number of sharp switch instance retries
MaxAutoRetriesNextServer: 2
-timeout for sharp request processing
ReadTimeout: 60000
-sharp request connection timeout
ConnectTimeout: 60000
-sharp retries all operation requests
OkToRetryOnAllOperations: true
