Initialslide is not valid in swiper

if the slidesPerView I set is 1.2, the initialslide initializer will not take effect. If you comment out the slidesPerView, the setting of the initialslide will take effect. I need both of these attributes. How to solve the problem


mine is like this. The problem has been solved

< script >

    var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
        // autoplay: 5000,//
        // loop: true,
        initialSlide: 0,
        slidesPerView: 4,
        observer: true,
        observeParents: true,
        nextButton: '.swiper-button-next',
        prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev',
    setTimeout(() => {
        mySwiper.slideTo(0, 50, false);
    }, 50);

I have the same problem. Have you solved it?
