A workaround for warnings in the Redirect component in react-router?

A warning appears in the Redirect component during route interception and redirection:
Warning: You tried to redirect to the same route you"re currently on: "/ login"

Route blocking component:
* * import React from "react"
import {Route, Redirect} from "react-router"
export default ({component: Component, .rest}) = > {

return <Route {...rest} render={(props) => {
    const { blcoking } = { ...rest }
    return blcoking ? <Component /> : <Redirect to={{
        pathname: "/login",
        state: { from: `/chat/${props.match.params.roomId}` }//
    }} />
}} />

} * *

all routes:

   const supportsHistory = "pushState" in window.history
    return (
            <BrowserRouter forceRefresh={!supportsHistory}>
                    {this.props.headData.headtypes && <IndexHeader />}
                    <Route render={({ location }) => (
                        <TransitionGroup >
                            <CSSTransition key={location.key} classNames="message" timeout={500}>
                                    <Switch location={location}>
                                        <Route exact path="/" component={home} {...this.props} />
                                        <Route path="/live/:roomId" component={live_detail} {...this.props} />
                                        <Route exact path="/video" component={video_list} />
                                        <Route path="/video/:videoId" component={video_detail} />
                                        <Route exact path="/chat" component={chat_room} />
                                        <Route exact path="/chat/:roomId" component={chat_detail} {...this.props} />
                                        <Route path="/login" component={Login} />
                                        <InterseptRoter blcoking={false} path="/chat/:roomId/detail" component={Details} />



            </BrowserRouter >
        </div >
