Whether the large-scale system of writing PC with VUE is suitable to use SPA

A large recruitment system, involving many functions (including APP+ Mini Program + Wap+PC);
is thinking of using one interface to provide data to multiple terminals.
Mobile APP+wap+ Mini Program UI is basically the same (vue-cli can handle the interface and logic of APP and wap)
the PC side is a new interface, is it okay to write pc short and use vue-cli to write large PC sites?
page is a little more suitable?

because of the backend, I am a little confused when I just used Vue

has nothing to do with the number of pages, the advantage of vue lies in the experience, as well as manipulating the data. Of course it's okay to use vue to do this kind of system like you said.

the disadvantage of this kind of SPA page is that SEO needs special treatment and is compatible with IE9,. Basically, if you don't have to think about it, you can rest assured to use vue

. For

backend management, it's okay to use SPA. Anyway, you don't need SEO
