Does the workerman register service keep only gateway addresses in memory, not when worker registers?

1, Register, Gateway, BusinessWorker processes start

2. After the Gateway and BusinessWorker processes start, they initiate persistent connections to register themselves with the Register service process

3. After receiving the registration of Gateway, the Register service keeps the mailing addresses of all Gateway in memory

4. After receiving the registration of BusinessWorker, the Register service sends the mailing addresses of all Gateway in memory to BusinessWorker


5. The BusinessWorker process tries to connect to Gateway after getting all the internal Gateway addresses.

6. If a new Gateway service is registered with Register (usually a distributed deployment plus machine) during operation, the new Gateway internal address list will be broadcast to all BusinessWorker,BusinessWorker to establish a connection after receiving it

7. If there is a Gateway offline, the Register service will receive a notification, delete the corresponding intercom address, and then broadcast a new list of intercom addresses to all Gateway whose BusinessWorker,BusinessWorker is no longer connected


8. So far, a long connection has been established between Gateway and BusinessWorker through Register

9. All client events and data are forwarded to BusinessWorker by Gateway. By default, BusinessWorker calls onConnect onMessage onClose in Events.php to handle business logic.

10. The business logic entry of BusinessWorker is all in Events.php, including onWorkerStart process start event (process event), onConnect connection event (client event), onMessage message event (client event), onClose connection close event (client event), onWorkerStop process exit event (process event)

as shown in step 4 of the figure, it only shows that the gateway address will be sent to worker, but when step 7 is executed, gateway goes offline and needs to be broadcast to all worker,. How can register broadcast worker addresses in memory if no worker address is reserved? Or do I understand it wrong?
