Use the better-scroll @ click event in vue to execute twice, and ask for your help to solve the problem.

Use the better-scroll @ click event in

vue to execute twice, how to solve


has also had this problem. Note:
initially thought it was in conflict with fastclick in the project, but later confirmed that it was not caused by this reason. The
official website Demo does not have a similar problem. Finally, it is temporarily changed to @ touchstart + @ touchend.stop.prevent to simulate @ click .
sample code:

  <button @touchstart="start($event)" @touchend.stop.prevent="stop($event)">Test</button>

  export default {
    methods: {
      start ($event) {
        this.startY = $event.touches[0].pageY
      stop ($event) {
        const moving = Math.abs($event.changedTouches[0].pageY - this.startY)
        if (moving > 20) return
        this.startY = 0

@ click.native

problem solved the upstairs method is feasible

@ click.native directly report an error

this method can also be used to trigger 2 clicks
< button Vignon br. Stop.principent= "onClick" > < / button >
