Better-scroll pull-up load pullingUp event triggered multiple times

this.scroll = new BScroll(wrapper, {
  probeType: 1,
  pullUpLoad: {
    threshold: -20

this.scroll.on("pullingUp", () => {
  this.searchData(obj)  // 

looked at a lot of demo will not be triggered multiple times, why I am here. Comrade Lei Feng, where are you?


I've had this problem before. My problem is initializing the bscroll object many times. The solution is to get rid of the extra initialization bscroll code!

did my brother solve this problem? I also encountered this problem with better-scroll. I swiped upward to request data many times, and anti-shaking is useless. If he is given a specified time, he will send out the final page flipping result, and I have given the data loading settime time to slide up while loading and waiting, and the pullingUp event can be triggered again. Ask

do you initialize BScroll

in searchData ()