What is the ec2 cost of Amazon CVM?

I applied for a free ec2 host in Amazon Cloud. Recently, I checked the bill and found that there was a daily fee of 0.10 yuan, which totaled US $3.




it is really impossible to see that there is a fee due to the excess of the standard.

question 1: excuse me, where can I see the details of the fees generated by the Amazon CVM? The reason for the charge?

I would like to ask the great god for your advice. I can"t thank you enough.


IO is restricted, which exceeds the charge
exit traffic limit of 1G and exceeds the charge

is caused by the traffic exceeding the charge. Qiniuyun's hot selling mainframe lasts for 1 yuan, and there are even more overseas hosts with an attack of 1 yuan. Details: https://www.qiniu.com/events/.
