Flatmap in java8 Stream cannot be used with reduce?

set of Stream stream operations using Java8

 List<String> fruitList=Stream

        List<String> meatList=Stream

        List<List<?>> bigList=Stream.of(fruitList,meatList).collect(Collectors.toList());

I want to flatten the collection using the flatMap method and then use the longest string of the reduce specification

                .reduce((String x,String y)->x.length()>y.length()?x:y)

result error

error message is shown in figure

what is this error capture of? I haven"t seen any Stream article about


if you change the code to

                .reduce((String x,String y)->x.length()>y.length()?x:y)

that"s fine



this line of code also works normally.
all the elements after merging the two collections in turn bigList.stream (). FlatMap (x-> x.stream ()) should return
the collection of all elements


Why can"t I use the reduce method directly later?


The main reason for reporting an error in

is actually because of the parameters needed in the flatMap method. You can see that it is actually a Function ,





Of course,

does not meet the requirements, so the compilation error

of course, if the subject finally combines the two stream together, you can not use the Stream.of method. You can consider ha, since the types in the previous two stream are the same, you can directly use Stream.contact , so you don't have to flatten it out. It's just flat

Stream.concat(fruitList.stream(), meatList.stream())

mainly because your biglist is list? Can only capture variables, not call methods
