Why did docker become an encumbrance to me?

to create a local development environment with docker, some commonly used software is pulled directly on Docker Hub, but some need to install and write their own dockerfile. Found that writing dockerfile is very difficult to debug, the container itself is a simplified system, many commands have not yet. It hurts a lot when you need to write dockerfile to install a slightly more complex software

is there any good way?


Let me first talk about the two ways of use on my side, neither of which is in depth, so the subject listens to it.

  1. go straight to the next linux image, install a bunch of messy software in it, and run. Finally, docker commit
  2. I'm going to build a lamp (using nginx instead of apache),. I download multiple images separately, run them independently, and specify the configuration through volumn

the location of the file is modified, and these images are combined to form a system through the exchange of container information.
