Iview-ui JSX binding click event reported an error

problem description

use the Table component of iview-ui to render the operation column of the table through JSX, but when the button is bound to click the event, an error is reported:
vue.esm.js?efeb:591 [Vue warn]: Invalid handler for event "click": got undefined

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

  • Project .babelrc has been configured to support JSX, and components can render it
  • query the official Vue documentation and the Git documentation of JSX to confirm that the event binding is fine

ide/render-function.html-sharpJSX" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide.

related codes

  • vue components
            <h4 class="font-weight-bold py-3 mb-4"></h4>

This page is an example of basic layout. For more options use <strong>Vue starter template generator</strong> in the docs.

</div> <b-card header="" header-tag="h6" class="mb-4"> <Table stripe border :columns="table.columns" :data="table.dataList"></Table> </b-card> </div> </template> <script> import iView from "iview" Vue.use(iView) export default { name: "ReportIndex", data() { return { table: { showIndex: false, dataList: [ { origin_name: "", quota: 1000, total: 99999 }, { origin_name: "", quota: 1000, total: 99999 }, { origin_name: "", quota: 1000, total: 99999 } ], columns: [ { title: "", key: "origin_name" }, { title: "", key: "quota" }, { title: "", key: "total" }, { title: "", render (h) { return ( <div> <i-button type="primary" size="small" class="mr-2" on-click={this.goConsole}></i-button> <i-switch> <span slot="open"></span> <span slot="close"></span> </i-switch> </div> ) } } ] } }; }, created() {}, methods:{ goConsole: function(){ console.log(123) } } }; </script>

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


Hello, I took a look at your code and sent 2 questions.
1. Your this points to the problem. Your this here points to row content rather than an instance of vue, so replace it with the arrow function so that this can point to an instance of vue.
2, jsx corresponds to the usage of vue event binding. If you refer to the binding event on the official website, please use onClick instead of on-click.
the second point is written

in the link you sent me.


paste the code below you can test it.

              render:(h) =>{
                return (
                    < i-button type="primary" size="small" class="mr-2" onClick={this.goConsole}>
                    < i-switch>
                      <span slot="open">  </span>
                      < span slot="close">  </span>
conclusion: if you have solved the problem, please click to adopt it. If you click like again, it will be even better. Haha