React SSR+SPA 's plan?

now both spa and ssr (next.js) in the community have good solutions?
has a hero ever done a combination of the two? That is, the scheme of using spa after the first screen is loaded with ssr,


you can use prerender-spa-plugin

if you investigate that server-side rendering (SSR) is only used to improve the SEO, of a few marketing pages (such as /, / about, / contact, etc.), then you may need pre-rendering. Instead of using the web server to dynamically compile HTML, in real time, instead of using pre-rendering, (build time) simply generates static HTML files for specific routes at build time. The advantage is that it is easier to set up pre-rendering, and you can use your front end as a completely static site.

if you use webpack, you can easily add pre-rendering using prerender-spa-plugin. It has been widely tested by Vue applications.
from vue ssr document
