Why can git Bash Here on window execute commands on mac?

what is the principle that commands on mac, such as ls touch mv, cannot be executed in window cmd but can be executed on git bash?
what other tools does window have to execute mac commands?


D:\ Program Files\ Git\ usr\ bin




windows comes with a command line tool called powershel. This command line thing, if it can be executed, is the Linux command implemented by git bash. In addition, you can find out what shell is for yourself. For the rest, it is useless to say more, but to understand on your own.

because git bash encapsulates the kernel interface on both platforms according to a unified set of command-line commands.

as before, ie browser event listeners are attachEvent , and standard event listeners are addEventListener . But if you introduce a jq, and a bind method, you can successfully add events in both types of browsers. By the same token, they are all encapsulated at a higher level for the things at the bottom.

win10 itself supports a lot of linux commands, but git bash still implements most of the linux commands. After all, win10 didn't come out when git bash came out, but only some of them are not well supported on both sides of, git bash. Calc will only pop up the calculator that comes with window. Echo% RANDOM% also has no effect.

if you find it hard to use, you can use cmder, with built-in git bash,.

change the original answer, now Windows terminal is out, hang all similar products, strong Amway
