Ask for advice, mysql master-slave replication, after the master table inserts data, the slave table is not Synchronize, and the status is abnormal


problem goes something like this: mysql master-slave replication. After configuration, check that the slave table has a normal status:
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
then insert data into the master table without Synchronize, and the status is abnormal:
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: No

the details are as follows:
the master library is on the windows and the slave library is on the virtual machine;
the master library is configured my.ini

-sharp "mysql-bin" 

configure my.cfg

from the library
server-id = 2
port = 3306

windows executes show master status; as follows

| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
| mysql-bin.000035 |     1253 | blog         |                  |                   |

Virtual machine execution

stop slave;


start slave;

show slave status \G;

shows the following


insertshow slave status \G;
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: No


last error 

Last_Error: Relay log read failure: Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the master"s binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running "mysqlbinlog" on the binary log), the slave"s relay log is corrupted (you can check this by running" mysqlbinlog" on the relay log), a network problem, or a bug in the master"s or slave"s MySQL code. If you want to check the master"s binary log or slave"s relay log, you will be able to know their names by issuing "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" on this slave.

use mysqlbinlog to see the following error
ERROR: File is not a binary log file.
what may have gone wrong?

error means binlog is not a binary file, you'd better use windows, and the slave library is also on windows.
or both use docker, to match quickly: repl , I put one master and one slave in this library.

is the master library windows, slave library Linux?

modify you to change the binlog_format=mixed of the library to row format, mixed causes more problems, because you do not see your version and the binlog_format information of the main library, so if the binlog format of the main library is also mixed or statment format, it is recommended to change to row format.
mysql under linux is recommended for ps:.

has been solved because of the inconsistent version of mysql. The master library is version 5.7of windows and the slave library is 5.5of centos.
I judge that Synchronize is unable to read the binlog log of the master library because the mysqlbinlog version of the slave library mysql is too low.
