I need to implement such a function in vue. Click on the svg circle to generate a new svg and connect it with a line.

problem description

I need to implement such a function, click on the svg circle to generate a new svg and connect it with a line

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

1. Click to generate a new circle, how to make its connected line undeformed, x y I can get;
2. How to monitor it beyond the screen, I need to limit dynamic generation; (I have solved this. Judge that the approximate position of his x y minus a circle is not less than 10, no more than 90)
3. Why don"t dynamically generated circles overlap;

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

<svg class="svg" ref="svg" :viewBox="viewX,viewY,viewW,viewH">
  <!--,rx,ry x y,cx y-->
  <circle v-for="(coord,index) in circleCoord" :cx="coord.cx + "%"" :cy="coord.cy + "%"" r="30" 
    ref="circle" :fill="coord.color" class="circle" :key="index" @click="newCircle(coord)">

data () {
    return {
      viewX: 0,
      viewY: 0,
      viewW: 100 + "%",
      viewH: 100 + "%",
      circleCoord: [
        {cx: 50,cy: 50,color: "-sharp" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2,8)},
      cx: 50,cy: 50,

methods: {
    newCircle (coord){
      if(coord.cx > 10 && coord.cx < 90 && coord.cy > 10 && coord.cy < 90){
      // console.log(this.$refs.svg.clientWidth);
      // console.log(this.$refs.circle.cx)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

is similar to the cell map, but the difference is whether it is 3D


by the way, the specified range does not repeat random numbers
