How to buffer the special effects when playing video? Android has its own buffering effect, but not on ios

how to buffer special effects when playing video? Android has its own buffering effect, but there is no

on ios.

is that when I just clicked on the video screen, there was not yet a waiting icon loaded from the video screen, which is also included on Android, but how to add one on ios

means that when the video is played on iOS, there is a loading process, and then during the loading process, the screen is blank



  1. you need to determine whether the user is in Android or IOS,. If you are in Android, you don't need to

2. In IOS, you locate a picture in the video screen (waiting for gif) to hide
3. When you click the play button, you can judge whether the progress bar has started to go (if it starts to go, it starts to play the video screen, if it doesn't start to go, it is still loading)
4. If you are still loading, just let the gif wait for the picture to be displayed. Once the time on the progress bar starts to go, it means that the video screen starts to play, and you can hide the picture


check the progress bar

   function getvideoprogress() {
     setTimeout(function () {
    var vid = document.getElementById("video1" );
    var currentTime=vid.currentTime.toFixed(1);
   return false;
  }, 50);

