How to adjust the echart radar map when the text is obscured?

how to adjust the text obscured by echart radar map, changing the grid attribute does not work


perfect solution through radar > radius radius represents the zoom ratio

        radar: [{
                indicator: [
                    { text: '', max: 100 },
                    { text: '', max: 100 },
                    { text: '', max: 100 },
                    { text: '', max: 100 },
                    { text: '', max: 100 }
                radius: 50

check the corresponding configuration manual for the modification of this field without location type
I think it is necessary to enlarge the size of the div placed by the Echarts control. This problem also occurs in the official case when I test it on the page.

this problem also occurs when the div is too small

you can control the specific location of the radar map through the center / center ( and radius (radar.radius);
whether to use specific pixel values or percentages can be selected on a case-by-case basis, see the document

for example:

radar: {
    //  title 
    radius: 90,
    center: ['50%', '55%'],
    name: {
        textStyle: {
            color: '-sharpfff',
            backgroundColor: '-sharp999',
            borderRadius: 3,
            padding: [3, 5]
    indicator: [
        {name: '', max: 4},
        {name: '', max: 4},
        {name: '', max: 4},
        {name: '', max: 4}
If the text in

indicator is long, you can wrap the text to display
radar: [

        name: {
          textStyle: {
            color: "-sharp72767A",
            fontSize: this.fontSize(0.3),
            padding: [0, 20],
          lineHeight: this.fontSize(0.4),
          formatter(params) {
            return params.replace(/\//g, "\n");
        axisLine: {
          lineStyle: {
            color: "-sharpC3C3C3",
            width: this.fontSize(0.03),
        splitLine: {
          lineStyle: {
            width: this.fontSize(0.03),
        splitArea: {
          show: true,
          areaStyle: {
            color: [
              "rgba(255,235,217, 0.1)",
              "rgba(255,235,217, 0.2)",
              "rgba(255,235,217, 0.4)",
              "rgba(255,235,217, 0.6)",
              "rgba(255,235,217, 0.8)",
              "rgba(255,235,217, 1)",
        center: ["50%", "56%"],
        radius: "65%",
        indicator: [
          { text: "/", max: 100 },
          { text: "/", max: 100 },
          { text: "", max: 100 },
          { text: "/", max: 100 },
          { text: "/", max: 100 },