Can the code hints of phpstorm display the comments?

I used netbeans, netbeans code hints, to display my own comments on methods and parameters. At first, I used phpstorm, to find that its code hints only show the class / method name / parameters, but the comments written by myself are not displayed.
is there a way to show the code comments that I have written in the code hints that conform to the phpdoc standard?


correct comments will prompt you for the parameter names and types of comments

Setting->Editor->General->show quick documentation on mouse move
Show quick documentation on mouse move

when called.

hold down ctrl to click on the called method, and then click on the emerging hyperlink to view the comments for the method.

PHPStorm generates PHPDoc is very convenient. Press alt+enter on the method, select Generate PHPDoc
or type / * * on the method and enter
