Read the memory of other processes


scenario is as follows:
process 1 writes some data by three-party code in memory mem.
the existing code cannot be modified, but the existing code can be read within the process.
the requirement is that the data needs to be shared and read by multiple different processes (read only, not write)

the previous implementation is that shmget () in process 1 creates a shared memory shm, copies data in real time from mem to shm
process 2, and shmat () maps to the same shared memory

because of the high frequency of data updates, this implementation is inefficient
is there any good way to expose the mem of process 1



you can use pipes or local sockets to build a cs architecture to handle

Let's be honest about interprocess communication. The
operating system is directly KO for this out-of-bounds memory read.
meanwhile mark, to see if there is a better answer.
