After entering Url enter in the browser address bar, who will transfer DNS to resolve the domain name?

after entering Url enter in the browser address bar, who will transfer DNS to resolve the domain name?

browser gets the DNS resolution record of the target domain name through the system call.

1. The browser queries its own DNS cache. I can't find it. Go on.
2. The browser queries the local computer for the domain name corresponding to the ip address. The mapping between the domain name of the windows operating system and IP exists in the host file. I can't find it. Go on.
3. This machine requests resolution from the local DNS server. The local server generally refers to the DNS of the company, school or operator. I can't find it. Go on.
4. The local DNS server initiates a resolution request to the root server and returns the resolution address of the top-level international domain name server. Go ahead.
5. The local DNS server requests resolution from the top-level domain name server address and returns the resolution address of the domain name service provider. Go ahead.
6. The local DNS server requests resolution from the domain name service provider, and the corresponding ip, informs the browser.

dns query domain name process
