What is the redrawing cost of css?

The redrawing cost of

table is higher than that of div elements, so modern layouts have abandoned table layouts unless tables are needed.
question: so is this redrawing the same cost as using a table layout directly?

.father children{
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;

additional question: what is the high cost of redrawing table?


the high cost of redrawing and rearrangement lies in re-calculation and re-rendering. This is why the performance of table is poor in
. Because each cell in each row and column may have to be recalculated, the calculation cost is higher after nesting complex elements in the cell.
the recalculation here is because most cells or tabel's overall width and length are not fixed
are elastic
even if flex
with the same characteristics now, if the page and page elements are fixed, then table or flex, There is almost no difference in performance
if there are frequently hidden and sub-elements in the flex table, then the overall recalculation and re-rendering are triggered repeatedly
, so the poor performance is that "it" affects "others"
