How is Baidu News added to the website?

when our website is opened on the computer side, Baidu news often appears at the bottom of the page. I don"t know what this is caused by, is it the code? Did we drive it on our own initiative? Or are there some problems with the settings of the operator or the computer?

as shown in the picture, our products display normally, but there are occasional Baidu news at the bottom, which are usually gone after a refresh, and we are not sure how long it will take to come out. Could you tell me what"s going on?

the network is hijacked. The js of the hijacker

truncated DOM structure is inserted into the web page. If your site does not have https, it is most likely that the operator hijacked your web page. Generally, you can see the DOM structure with an iframe, for your web page.

this is Baidu's collection of websites you have visited. Check cookies and try

you can add avoid operator hijacking
you can also add Content-Security-Policy to prohibit malicious injection of external scripts


refer to Tencent Animation and Comic:


dns hijacking, call the operator to report ip
