While with animation.css? How can there be an effect?

because I use php data
, it will be like this

<? while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)){ ?>

face-to-face div is the personal area of each commodity

<div class="admin-user-layout pointer animated fadeInUp">

after adding the outside of animation.css,
is it true that he will not show up one by one? Sometimes three together, sometimes five together?
how did this happen?


during traversal, dynamically set style for each generated div element, specify animation delay time, pseudo code (I don't know the syntax of php)

set $delay = 0;  
set $interval = 0.1;//0.1s
while haveRows
     <div class="admin-user-layout pointer animated fadeInUp" style="animation-delay:" + $delay + "s;"></div>
   $delay += $interval;

set different delay or timer to control the classes displayed in turn
