Problems with detailView detailFormatter when encapsulating js with BootStrap Table

problem description

detailView detailFormatter is not available when using BootStrap Table to encapsulate js

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

it"s OK to use the default method:
$("- sharptableCompany"). BootstrapTable ({

               height: 650,
               detailView: true,
              detailFormatter: function (index, row) {
                 return "<div class="form-group has-success"><label class="col-sm-2 control-label">:</label><label class="col-sm-4">" + row.Remark + "</label><label class="col-sm-2 control-label">:</label><label class="col-sm-4">" + timeFormatter(row.LogTime) + "</label></div></br>";
             columns: [

there is a problem with the encapsulated js as follows:

   var tableList = { id:"listTable"};
    $(function () {
        var defaultColunms = tableList.initColumn();
         var config = {
            detailView: true,
                detailFormatter: function (index, row) {
                    return "<div class="form-group has-success"><label class="col-sm-2 control-label">:</label><label class="col-sm-4">" + row.Remark + "</label><label class="col-sm-2 control-label">:</label><label class="col-sm-4">" + timeFormatter(row.LogTime) + "</label></div></br>";
        var table = new BSTable(, "/Company/GetJsonData", defaultColunms,config );
        tableList.table = table.init();

    tableList.initColumn = function () {
    return []}

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

Encapsulation js:
(function () {

var BSTable = function (bstableId, url, columns, extendConfig) {
    this.btInstance = null;//jqueryBootStrapTable
    this.bstableId = bstableId; 
    this.url = url;
    this.method = "get";
    this.paginationType = "server";//,"client"
    this.toolbarId = bstableId + "Toolbar";
    this.columns = columns;
    this.height = 690;//690 = {};
    this.queryParams = {}; // 
    this.extendConfig = extendConfig;

BSTable.prototype = {
     * bootstrap table
    init: function () {
        var tableId = this.bstableId;
        var qParams = this.queryParams;
        var defaultConfig = {
            contentType: "application/json",
            url: this.url,              //
            method: this.method,        //ajax,postget
            ajaxOptions: {              //ajax
            toolbar: "-sharp" + this.toolbarId,//
            striped: true,              //
            cache: false,               //,true
            pagination: true,           //*
            sortable: true,             //
            sortOrder: "asc",          //
            pageNumber: 1,                  //
            pageSize: 15,               //*
            pageList: [15, 30, 50, 100],    //*
            queryParamsType: "limit",   // "limit" , :offset,limit,sort
            queryParams: function (params) {
                var temp = {
                    rows: params.limit,
                    page: (params.offset) / params.limit + 1,
                    sidx: params.sort,
                    sord: params.order,
                return $.extend(temp, qParams);
            }, // 
            sidePagination: this.paginationType,   //:clientserver*
            search: true,              //
            strictSearch: false,         // true 
            showColumns: true,          //
            showRefresh: true,          //
            minimumCountColumns: 2,     //
            clickToSelect: true,        //
            searchOnEnterKey: false,     // true
            columns: this.columns,      //
            height: this.height,
            icons: {
                refresh: "glyphicon-repeat",
                toggle: "glyphicon-list-alt",
                columns: "glyphicon-list"
            iconSize: "outline"
        var bsTableConfig = {};
        if (typeof this.extendConfig == "object") {
            bsTableConfig = $.extend(defaultConfig, this.extendConfig);
        else {
            bsTableConfig = defaultConfig;
        this.btInstance =
            $("-sharp" + tableId).bootstrapTable(bsTableConfig);
        return this;
     * refreshurl
     * @param param
    setQueryParams: function (param) {
        this.queryParams = param;
     * :server  client
    setPaginationType: function (type) {
        this.paginationType = type;
     * ajax post
    set: function (key, value) {
        if (typeof key == "object") {
            for (var i in key) {
                if (typeof i == "function")
      [i] = key[i];
        } else {
  [key] = (typeof value == "undefined") ? $("-sharp" + key).val() : value;
        return this;

     * ajax post
    setData: function (data) { = data;
        return this;

     * ajax post
    clear: function () { = {};
        return this;

     *  bootstrap 
     * Refresh the remote server data,
     * you can set {silent: true} to refresh the data silently,
     * and set {url: newUrl} to change the url.
     * To supply query params specific to this request, set {query: {foo: "bar"}}
    refresh: function (parms) {
        if (typeof parms != "undefined") {
            this.btInstance.bootstrapTable("refresh", parms);
        } else {
    getSelections: function () {
        return this.btInstance.bootstrapTable("getSelections");
window.BSTable = BSTable;

} ());

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

expected result:

