After the springAOP is called by rpc, the returned parameters are judged. If there is a problem, it can be returned to controller, directly. No problem to continue execution.

what I want to do is that if an error is returned directly through the section, if there is no error code, continue to execute


for error exceptions, you can define different project custom exceptions, such as AOP check exception, Token check exception, project global exception, etc.
capture it through Handler and return the data required by the corresponding format.

I define a global and a check exception

in the following code
public class SbException extends RuntimeException {

    private Integer code;

    public SbException(ResultEnum resultEnum){

        this.code = resultEnum.getCode();

    public SbException(Integer code, String message){

        this.code = code;

public class SbAuthorizeException extends RuntimeException {


then define handler

public class SbExceptionHandler {

    private ProjectUrlConfig projectUrlConfig;

    @ExceptionHandler(value = SbAuthorizeException.class)
    public ModelAndView handlerAuthorizeException(){
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:"

    @ExceptionHandler(value = SbException.class)
    public ResultVO handlerSbException(SbException e){
        return ResultVOUtil.error(e.getCode(),e.getMessage());

    // Http
    @ExceptionHandler(value = ResponseBankException.class)
    public void handleResponseBankException(){


    @ExceptionHandler(value = Exception.class)
    public ResultVO handlerException(Exception e){
        return ResultVOUtil.error(666,e.getMessage());


in this way, you only need to throw the corresponding exception in the corresponding place or when the business execution error occurs
