CSS compatibility check tool

is going to be modified based on a set of websites written in css3 to support IE8. The css file is relatively large, and it takes time to modify it manually. Is there such a tool that can check the input css file and output the style code that css2 does not support in css, so that you can make targeted adjustments?

try this website www.caniuse.com

if you find it inconvenient to use, the community also has some plug-ins such as caniusedb
you can search for what suits you

w3.org 's W3C CSS verifier meets the requirements.



if it is only a single compatibility, you can look it up on caniuse. It is estimated that there is no compatibility search and modification of the whole file. We only know that some IDE plug-ins can automatically add css prefix

add postcss plug-in with webpack, and automatically complete the prefix
