How do I get the value of a cell through the title? Non-numeric index (PHPExcel)

currently, I can only get cell values through getCell ("A4")-> getValue () , but there is a problem. Sometimes I want to delete or add a column, which destroys other values I want to save (because the data on xlsx tables A to Z has changed), so I have to reorder the data.
I want to know if there is a function that can mark my cell with title, for example, If I want to get the value of A4, I don"t need to use "A4", but through things like $title ["first"] [4], "B5" is $title"second", so as long as I judge isset ($title [" first"]) in the background of php, I can easily get the value, and I don"t have to worry about whether it has been deleted.
I don"t seem to find such a method in the manual at present. I would like to ask you if you have any thoughts
