If you get an element through ref in vue, how do you bind a click event to an element?

when using ivew"s rotation graph, some div, is added to the rotation diagram and the @ click event is bound, but a strange problem is found. Every time banner rotation is played, the bound click cannot be clicked, and only when the next banner is displayed can it be clicked


so I thought that getting this element through ref and dynamically adding a @ click event to it might solve my problem

so I want to ask how I should bind this element to the @ click event

now that I have obtained this element through ref.


this is a problem with the iview carousel graph component.
in < CarouselItem > , I wrote some div, to follow < CarouselItem > while carousel, in which there is a div bound with a @ click event,
but this button, every time the carousel reaches the current time, it cannot be clicked
for example, the first round can be clicked, and
the next round can be clicked, but it cannot be clicked.
has been clickable-not clickable-clickable-clickable


< Carousel @ on-change= "bannerIndex" class= "banner-box" loop dots= "inside": autoplay= "! clickLQ": autoplay-speed= "4000" arrow= "hover": height= "600" >

      <div class="bannerimg-box" :style="{backgroundImage:"url(/static/images/banner_01.png)"}"></div>
      <div class="slogan-center" :class="{"en_slogan":$store.state.lang == "en" ? true:false}">
        <div class="text-slogan-name">{{$t("home.sloganName")}}</div>
        <div class="text-slogan-content">{{$t("home.sloganContent1")}}</div>
        <div class="text-slogan-content">{{$t("home.sloganContent2")}}</div>
        <img class="ball" src="/static/images/banner_ball2.png" alt="">
        <div class="coming-soon">{{$t("home.coming_soon")}}</div>
      <div class="bannerimg-box" :style="{backgroundImage:"url(/static/images/banner_02.jpg)"}"></div>
      <div class="banner2">
        <div class="banner2_title">{{$t("home.banner2_title")}}</div>
        <div class="banner2_1_text">{{$t("home.banner2_1_text")}}</div>
        <div class="banner2_2_text">{{$t("home.banner2_2_text")}}</div>
        <div class="btn_login_register">
          <div v-if="!$store.state.login">
            <a :href="$store.state.trans_url+"/login"" class="btn_login" >{{$t("home.btn_login")}}</a>
            <a :href="$store.state.trans_url+"/register"" class="btn_register" >{{$t("home.btn_register")}}</a>
          <div v-if="$store.state.login">
            <a :href="$store.state.trans_url+"/account/invite"" class="btn_yq" >{{$t("home.btn_yq")}}</a>
          <div class="tips_text">
            {{$t("home.tips_text1")}} <span ref="bindClickYq" @click="lingquBtn(!$store.state.login ? true : $store.state.myInfo.airDropStatus ? true:false)">{{$t("home.tips_text2")}}</span>

answer your question first

got this element through ref. How should I bind this element to the @ click event
if you have a div, this.$refs.dom of ref=dom that is directly this specific dom element, you can print it out, and then bind the event this.$refs.dom.addEventListener ('click',function () {});

then, it is recommended that you do not directly manipulate dom, in vue. It is similar to adding click events yourself. You can directly bind them in template @ click. The strange phenomena you mentioned appear, most of which are events bubbling. You can solve these problems through vue's ide/events.html-sharp%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6%E4%BF%AE%E9%A5%B0%E7%AC%A6" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> event modifier . Try it yourself first. If you don't post the code, it's difficult for me to judge whether the event is bubbling or not.

try this.$refs.dom.$el.addEventListener? (dom is the element you want to bind) because you want to bind a component, so get the element $el, under the component. If it is an ordinary html tag, you can this.$refs.dom.addEventListener it directly
