An error appears when the website template is uploaded to the phpstudy environment

made several static pages, with chrome directly open index.html display effect is normal, copy to the phpstudy environment, or use the chrome,localhost/ template name / index.html display effect is not the same, the picture becomes larger, the navigation bar is also squeezed to wrap the line, there are some styles and directly open the html file is not the same, and in the Sogou browser locahost/ template name / index.html is no problem. Could you tell me how to deal with it?


so it's not phpstudy, it's browser compatibility.

this may be due to the fact that css is not loaded correctly. You can use chrome's developer tool to find out that

took a long time to return. Sorry, the proportion of chrome pages has been enlarged by 10%. Set it to the default 100% layout.
