I would like to ask, can you specify the default value when @ PathVariable is empty?

@RequestMapping(value = "/get/{id}/{userId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public Result getMemberShip(@PathVariable("id") int id,@PathVariable("userId") int userId) {

if id is a non-required parameter, it can be empty. How should it be handled? you can give it a default value, or not in this way, can java give the default value of the passed parameter? it is not clear at the beginning to write java,


multiple matching paths can be specified

@RequestMapping(value = {"/get/{userId}", "/get/{id}/{userId}"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)

then set the parameter is not required

@PathVariable(required = false) String id

@ PathVariable cannot set the default value because null is meaningless to url.
if the parameter may indeed be empty and you need a default value, you can use @ RequestParams.

{id} / {userId} if they are not necessary, do not pass parameters like this, use @ ModelAttribute annotation and pass parameters with object

The article you have shared here very awesome. I really like and appreciated your work. I read deeply your article, the points you have mentioned in this article are useful

happy wheels new
