How should ant-design-pro @ connect be understood?

< H2 > doubts about @ connect of DVA used in ant-design-pro < / H2 >
import { routerRedux } from "dva/router";
import { linkApi } from "../services/api";
import { setAuthority } from "../utils/authority";
import { reloadAuthorized } from "../utils/Authorized";

import { notification } from "antd";

export default {
  namespace: "login",

  state: {
    status: undefined,

  effects: {
    *login({ payload }, { call, put }) {
      const response = yield call(linkApi, {
      // Login successfully
      if (response.state == 200 ) {
        yield put({
          type: "changeLoginStatus",
          payload: response.datas
        yield put(routerRedux.push("/"));
    *logout(_, { put, select }) {
      try {
        // get location pathname
        const urlParams = new URL(window.location.href);
        const pathname = yield select(state => state.routing.location.pathname);
        // add the parameters in the url
        urlParams.searchParams.set("redirect", pathname);
        window.history.replaceState(null, "login", urlParams.href);
      } finally {
        yield put({
          type: "changeLoginStatus",
          payload: ""
        yield put(routerRedux.push("/user/login"));

  reducers: {
    changeLoginStatus(state, { payload }) {
      return {
        status: payload.status,
        type: payload.type,

({login, loading}) = > ({}) this is a function, which is different from the two parameters of the connect function. How should I understand this writing?

mapStateToPropsstate, ownProps ps: 

how do you understand login and submitting? do you mean binding submitting to the this.props of a component?


so how did he trigger the effects in src/models/login.js?





loading.effects ['login/login'] how should this method be understood?


talk about the confusion I encountered in this writing at that time. It was that I was too bad to understand the arrow function. I always thought that the arrow function had to write, () = > {. Function body code}, check that if the arrow function returns an object directly, you must put parentheses around the object. Here, the, () = > ({}) of an object is returned directly, which is equivalent to () = > {return {}}. Hope to pay attention to the children's shoes with omissions in the arrow function.

({login, loading}) = > ({}) this is a function, which is different from the two parameters of the connect function. How should I understand this?

{login,loading}--> this is the deconstruction of the assignment .mapStateToProps the first parameter is state .
this writing is equivalent to

The functions in

can be directly used with login and loading.

I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but it's right to understand.
according to the previous statement of messycodecc, the following code cannot be explained. There is such a duo in it

pages/Dashboard/Workplace.js:@connect(({ user, project, activities, chart, loading }) => ({