How to add the variable index (i) to the ngIf nested within the Angular4 ngFor loop

for example, how to add the index variable I to the * ngIf layer?
currently in the innermost * ngIf references I

detailed description:
"Total fourth layer" is multiple. After clicking "Evaluation" (the I value is passed here), "more" is displayed through ngIf. Now the I value cannot be passed to the "more" block.

first layer:

*ngFor = "let order of orderList"

second layer:

*ngFor = "let commodity of order.commoditiesDTO; let i = index;"

(total third layer) ngIf: of the first layer in the second layer

*ngIf=" =="1""

(total fourth layer) second layer ngIf: within the second layer

<div *ngIf="Evaluatecondition; else elseBlock2">
<ng-template -sharpelseBlock2>
<a (click)="showModal(tmplate3, order, i)"></a>

assigns index to I. I is the index

< H2 > < li * ngFor= "let message of mailService.messages; index as i;" > {{I}}-{{message}} < / H2 >