What method can AngularJS2 + HTML5 use to display pdf on the screen?

< H3 > as the title. How can pdf be displayed on the screen?

now I can display the files in the project directory (. / assets/test.pdf). However, due to project requirements, the files I need to display cannot be stored under the project directory. Tried < object >, < ng2-pdf-view >

<pdf-viewer [src]="D:\\test.pdf"
    style="display: block;">

Debug mode: Uncaught Error: Quotes are not supported for error!

<object classid="clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000" width="800" height="600" border="0">
    <param name="SRC" value="D:\\test.pdf">

with this < object > tag, there is no response..

all kinds of gods help, thank you!


self-question and answer
[src] = "D:\ test.pdf" src can only be http or https request
here you can directly request the backend to write the file on the screen by streaming through response
