Video on mobile cannot play local video, while Wechat's built-in browser, 360and safari indicate that loading failed.

the format of the owner of the building is mp4,. It is written as follows
< video width= "100%" height= "215" controls poster= "images/play_img.png" >

            <source src="images/dcjj.mp4" type="video/mp4" ></source>
            <span data-i18n-text="video_bzc"> video</span>


9.2.1 on the IOS system, there is no response. 10 + can click, but it is always loaded after clicking. Android has no problem with the PC side, and there is no problem to play it on the ios if you quote a link placed on the web by the following layer, but if I download the link locally, referencing the local address will not be able to play it.


is written correctly, but your MP4 video may not be encoded in H264 format. It is recommended to check it or re-encode it with H264.

A video file has two formats: file format and encoding format. File formats such as mkv or flv, encoding formats such as H.264 or MPEG. Both formats must be supported.

generally speaking, you can check the table and transcode your own video. Another way is to find a video that can be played, download it, look at the file format and video format, and then transcode it.

  1. is it possible that the resource path is incorrect and whether other resources are loaded correctly? generally, IOS has special requirements for the correct representation of the resource path because of restrictions, which also explains why Android is right
  2. . Whether
  3. may be a limitation of the browser itself, very often the system security policy is to isolate the local data from the network data, so the browser cannot access the local data directly, so you have to find the relevant documents.