Thrift go error not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush

go communicates with php as a server. The server code is as follows: s.go

package main
import (

const (
    NetworkAddr = ""

type helloThrift struct {
func (this *helloThrift) HelloName(name string) (string,err){
        return (name + "111"),nil;

func main() {
    transportFactory := thrift.NewTFramedTransportFactory(thrift.NewTTransportFactory())
    protocolFactory := thrift.NewTBinaryProtocolFactoryDefault()
    //protocolFactory := thrift.NewTCompactProtocolFactory()

    serverTransport, err := thrift.NewTServerSocket(NetworkAddr)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error!", err)

    handler := &idoallThrift{}
    processor := HelloWorld.NewHelloWorldProcessor(handler)

    server := thrift.NewTSimpleServer4(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory)
    fmt.Println("thrift server in", NetworkAddr)

execute go run s.go
but the error is as follows:

-sharp hello/world
hello/world/helloworld.go:77:20: not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush
    have ()
    want (context.Context)
hello/world/helloworld.go:101:15: cannot assign 1 values to 2 variables
hello/world/helloworld.go:147:34: cannot use helloWorldProcessorHelloName literal (type *helloWorldProcessorHelloName) as type thrift.TProcessorFunction in assignment:
    *helloWorldProcessorHelloName does not implement thrift.TProcessorFunction (wrong type for Process method)
        have Process(int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
        want Process(context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol) (bool, thrift.TException)
hello/world/helloworld.go:157:27: not enough arguments in call to processor.Process
    have (int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol)
    want (context.Context, int32, thrift.TProtocol, thrift.TProtocol)
hello/world/helloworld.go:165:13: not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush
    have ()
    want (context.Context)
hello/world/helloworld.go:182:14: not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush
    have ()
    want (context.Context)
hello/world/helloworld.go:195:14: not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush
    have ()
    want (context.Context)
hello/world/helloworld.go:209:23: not enough arguments in call to oprot.Flush
    have ()
    want (context.Context)

has anyone ever encountered this problem? Hello/world/helloworld.go is generated through thrift.
